Feedback opportunity for the Horizon Europe 2025 Program

The European Commission has opened a feedback window for the upcoming Horizon Europe 2025 program. The opinions gathered through a survey will be essential for jointly shaping the program for the year in question. All contributions received will be carefully evaluated and incorporated with the ultimate goal of approving the new work program. 

Interested parties can submit their feedback by the deadline of May 6, at noon. The areas on which opinions can be expressed include various “Destinations” or Missions related to the six main clusters of Horizon Europe; research infrastructures; European innovation ecosystems; the five EU missions, and cross-cutting initiatives like the New European Bauhaus. Participants can choose to comment on one or more areas, depending on their affinities and interests. 

For each area, guidance documents have been prepared that illustrate the expected impacts and desired outcomes of the initiatives that can be funded in 2025: 

  • Expected Impacts: describe the long-term repercussions that the ensemble of projects could have on society, the economy, and science. 
  • Expected Outcomes: detail the objectives that a set of successful projects should achieve in the medium and long term. 

Background: The work program for 2025 will follow the directives of the Horizon Europe 2025-2027 strategic plan, and although it only covers one year and a specific budget, it is a key component in achieving the broader objectives of the plan. 

Work programs are documents that establish guidelines for funding opportunities for research and innovation activities, including specific thematic calls. The main document for the Horizon Europe 2025 work program is currently under development, following the directions set by the new 2025-2027 strategic plan. This plan identifies three key strategic directions for funding: the green transition, the digital transition, and the development of a more resilient, competitive, inclusive, and democratic Europe. 

For those who wish to actively participate in providing feedback on multiple destinations and/or missions, a link is available to access the survey.